EVOLUTION TUCSON: Elite Kettlebell Training in Tucson

EVOLUTION TUCSON: Elite Kettlebell Training in Tucson

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Best Training Method

I get asked this question all the time. "Danny, what should I do to work out?" Well my first question is, what is your goal? If the answer is "tone up and lose the belly", I can honestly say that I could give you numerous answers. My favorite one, which I rarely use is but say it again over and over again in my head is "If you say toning you must mean get stronger and when you say a smaller belly then you must have to realize that your mouth is not a vacuum." Ok so now for the serious answer. First off, what are you willing to commit to reach your goal from a time and energy standpoint? If your answer is 2 to 3 hours per week, my answer is, there are a 168 hours per week, what do you plan to do with all the other time on your hands? I don't believe you need to work out 20 hours a week as that can be just as bad as not working out as all, but the main point Im getting at is where is your mindset over the rest of the time and have you committed 100% of yourself towards that goal. If you think that working out hard 3,4,or 5 times a week is the answer than you may be sorely disappointed with your results. Nutrition, sleep, and stress levels are also heavily involved in health and fitness. If you see where I am headed with this, it is about lifestyle. Its about changing your mind about how you live your life and what you think you can accomplish. It means to plan out your day for success and ask for help when you need it. A great quote I heard on successful nutrition came from a trainer friend of mine. He was talking to his client about eating and she was full of excuses and he looked at her and said " when I get my day going I don't start off not knowing what Im going to eat for the day." Simple to the point and real. As for the details of the nutritional plan there are numerous options and you should talk to a professional about which one is best for you. By the way the professional isn't the trainer you see at LA Fitness, sorry but anyone that makes $6 per session can't be professional. You will know a professional when you meet one. As for stress, don't expect weight loss if you are a bundle of nerves throughout your day. Stress releases nasty hormones that actually causes you to put on fat and waste muscle.

And if you need help with the workouts starting out slow and effective is fine and a tailored workout plan should really be made for everyone since no two people usually start at the same level.Working out should be challenging but not crippling. Any knuckle head at the gym can take you through a workout that makes you sore, but try hitting yourself with a hammer a few times. Sore doesn't always mean results. If you don't know where to start get the guidance of a Certified professional and do your research. Online research, referrals from friends, and good instincts will help you find a true professional for guidance. IF you feel like your being sold something that is too good to be true or you get that feeling that your being pushed in to something because they want to sell you so bad they are throwing in all sorts of free sessions you are probably in the wrong place.

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