EVOLUTION TUCSON: Elite Kettlebell Training in Tucson

EVOLUTION TUCSON: Elite Kettlebell Training in Tucson

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Talk about a burn

So today I decided to start doing some kettlebell snatches again. I decided to go with the 35 pound bell and just do some VO2 Max condtitioning. 15 seconds of snatches on the right:15 seconds of rest:15 seconds of Left:15 seconds of rest. The goal is to get 8 snatches for every 15 seconds. Well today lasted about 40 minutes. 640 snatches and over 22,000 pounds of kettlebell lifted I can honestly say Im worked. even 7 hours after the workout my entire body is on fire. Kenneth Jay Master RKC developed this protocol. Ace Fitness did a research study on this protocol, without giving credit to Kenneth Jay of course. I want to say that most of what Ace has to say I usually avoid since they are still promoting cable curls and seated leg extension exercises but this study did turn my head. Of course if you read the rest of the article it is complete trash. They do the entire article on the snatch but proceed to show their in house exercise physiologist put together an exercise routine with bells that show improper swing technique and using the kettlebell like a cheapened dumbbell. I know I digress but kettelbells should NOT be taught by people that dabble in them or watch a video on them and think they know what they are doing. OK got it off my chest.... The study showed the following:

“We estimated oxygen consumption and how many calories
they were burning aerobically, and it was 13.6 calories per minute.
But we also measured the blood lactate, so anaerobically they were
burning another 6.6 calories per minute,” explains Porcari. “So
they were burning at least 20.2 calories per minute, which is off
the charts. That’s equivalent to running a 6-minute mile pace. The
only other thing I could find that burns that many calories is cross-
country skiing up hill at a fast pace.”

Pretty intense stuff! I don't know about you but I don't know if I will ever run 6 minute mile nor do I want to. The impact alone of running in the knees and joints is terrible. Especially because most people like myself really don't have good running technique which is another topic in and of itself. So based on hitting my numbers of 8 snatches per 15 seconds I was probably burning 20+ calories per minute. So a 40 minute workout today helped me burn over 800 calories.
SO if you think that Kettlebells just like dumbbells I ask you if you have ever burned 800 calories with dumbbells? If you are seeking to learn how to use kettlebells definitely seek an RKC trainer in your area. Have fun with the snatch!! it sounds great doesn't it??

1 comment:

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the snatch! Its a great work out. PS. I threw a 53lb!
